#GivingTuesday to Strengthen the US-Israel Connection

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Proud of the strong US-Israel connection? Want to have a hand in making it happen? Here’s your chance.

After the turkey, stuffing and shopping, it’s time to give back. Choose a cause close to your heart, something grassroots, committed, real and tangible.

Say yes to strengthening the bond between America and Israel.

Click here to be a part of this exciting project, bringing leaders together in Jerusalem and in Washington. Join us as we find friends at the highest levels to share values and ideas that literally create bonds that work. Small but mighty, our voices reach far and wide to really make a difference. (We won’t take credit for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, or for the growing support for Israeli sovereignty and independent decision-making, but we’ll let our friends tell you what happens behind the scenes…)

Click here to partner with us in programs focused on educating influencers to strengthen their understanding of Israel. We are amazed at what friends can accomplish together, and we want you to be a part of it!


“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
– Genesis 12:1-3

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12Tribe Films Foundation is using the power of the internet and online videos to change the minds of millions online about Israel and the Jewish people.

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 20-8683997. All contributions are tax-deductible.
No goods or services are provided in exchange for the donation. This project is in conjunction with Jaffe Strategies Ltd, Israel.

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Advised & special guests of DeSantis Congressional Committee hearing on moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem

desantis hearing embassy

Hosting delegations of leadership and first responders in Israel


Congressman Alan Lowenthal with PM Netanyahu, one of our biggest supporters

alan lowenthal PM

Taking our helicopter borders tour

helicopter borders tour

With IDF soldiers and Iron Dome


Senator Mike Lee, special behind the scenes in ancient Jerusalem

mike lee ir davi

Click here to partner with us in programs focused on educating influencers to strengthen their understanding of Israel. We are amazed at what friends can accomplish together, and we want you to be a part of it!

Please share comments and upcoming Middle-East focused activity so we can weigh in and provide insight that can help better inform and advocate for our joint interests…




