Happy Thanksgiving from the Judean Hills

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We Americans in Israel have a funny way of celebrating some old fashioned American holidays.. sometimes off by a day, or we forget it’s a long Labor Day weekend back where we came from, or we are just plain not having the right season for snowy holidays here in the Middle East. But Thanksgiving – somehow we manage to get that right. So as we all kick back at the same time to watch the inevitable Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys games, pulling a fresh turkey out of the oven with some homemade stuffing whose recipe dates back to grandma, we join together with you in giving thanks.

I am grateful for the gifts of our two countries, of what we learn from the vast freedoms of an American melting pot, and the deep historic convictions of our Israeli future. I thank God for our families, growing up oh-too-quickly but becoming what we hope will be a brave new generation to make things even better. We pray as one community that our leaders will have the fortitude and courage to use their power for good, to build and grow, rather than tear down and destroy. I pray in particular for the safety of all our soldiers, that they may protect our nations and return home safely to their moms and loved ones.

Here’s a twist: ‘turkey’ challah, for a special tradition we’ve developed for the day after – serving a turkey dinner on Shabbat with all the fixings!!

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Let’s remember to be thankful for all we have, for the values we share, for the friendships we forge and for the future.

Happy thanksgiving, from these Judean hills!

Ruth, Sarah and the Team

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