Friends, BREAKING: As you wake up this morning, you’ve probably heard about the horrific terror attack in the midst of Jerusalem. The awful footage is below, beware it is disturbing. Ironically, today the Jewish people mark the anniversary of the siege on Jerusalem, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Temple and the city. Those were Babylonians, and it was thousands of years ago, yet we keep Jerusalem in our prayers and look to the day that it will be rebuilt in all its glory. Today many of us fasted to mark this date, and now we have another tragedy to keep in our hearts, right here in this very city, the capital of our Jewish state. |
The Arab man was from nearby Jabal-Mukabar, adjacent to this overlook in the Armon Hanetziv neighborhood. He just had to get a truck (with registered Israelilicense plates because Jerusalem Arabs are residents with the exact same rights as Jewish Jerusalemites), drive a block or two and wait for his prey, which it seems he did. Here’s where your headlines may differ. The terrorist waited til the tourists began to get off the bus – they were soldiers, about twenty years old, participating in a day of education during their officers’ training course. So yes, armed with their guns but very much young tourists enjoying the history and beauty of Jerusalem on this sunny Sunday just after lunchtime. Hatred doesnt come in all shapes and sizes, always. It comes where it is invited. And the Palestinian Authority leadership has yet to condemn any aspect of this terrorist attack that has claimed four innocent lives, left five more fighting for their lives, and about ten more in the hospital right now. Thanks to a brave tour guide (yes, a friend) and the hand of God, more lives were spared. But the hatred continues. Your job in all this, right now? We believe it’s to respond harshly in two directions. One, tell the world this is Arab terrorism. Moslems spilling innocent, young Jewish blood. Do not allow it to be read in any other way. And two, demand, as a world leader, that the Arab leadership denounce this horrific terror once and for all. No skirting the issue, no ignoring in english while encouraging in Arabic to do more, and to celebrate these terrible murders. Call it what it is, and demand responsible responses. Simple as that. Then add a prayer for the murdered souls, and for this to never happen again. Four more mothers, four more fathers, siblings, have lost their most precious son, their daughter. And we go on with our lives, almost desensitized to the disastrous hatred. Let’s make today count for more. Ruthie |
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