Category: Uncategorized
Moving Forward!
Dear all, As we put away our Passover dishes and storm the bakeries to buy bread and pasta yet again, it seems like more than seven days have passed. The country has swept away its cobwebs and emerges into a beautiful springtime. And we go back to work, not enslaved like we were in Egypt…
Spring is in the Air!
Dear all, Spring is in the air. As we clean out the cobwebs in our homes and in our hearts, we prepare for the holiday of Passover. Entering Egypt as a large family and exiting as a people once enslaved and now creating a free nation, we have much to be proud. Our belief system…
The Mood in Israel? Concerned with High Expectations
Dear friends, We here in Israel are a bit concerned. We have high expectations from America. We always have, but with the new Administration we’ve come to respect POTUS keeping his word, and sticking to his guns. We know that sometimes this means he will be daring, out-there, edgy.. but that’s ok. Sometimes that’s how…
The Latest from Israel
Dear all, The Israeli Knesset is taking its spring recess next week, so there’s been a flurry of activity trying to get legislation passed through before then – sound familiar? But while the Knesset committees debate how to prevent leaks from their own meetings, the Israeli media is busy with another internal hot potato: a…
Jerusalem Congressional Visit with Cong. Ron Desantis (FL) – US Embassy Move to Jerusalem?
Dear Friends, To quote from the last scene in High School Musical – “We’re all in this together”. And from a more lofty source, Psalm 34:3 – “Oh magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.” Jerusalem was treated to a special showing of unity and friendship when Congressman DeSantis’ Oversight…
Friends, The time has come to think outside the failed two-state box. Friends of Israel: Allow the sides to come to terms with new options for real peace in this part of the world. With understanding and creativity, Israel can find the recipe for security and secure borders, while regarding the personal rights of everyone…
Critical Information on Israel’s New Settlement Bill
Friends, This time we’re going to get a little technical, because the issue that seems to be headlining around the world is… no, not Syrian casualties, not economic tremors but approximately 1000 Jewish homes and a new Israeli law. Yesterday the Israeli Knesset passed the ‘Regulations Bill’ into law. To simplify, this law creates a…
What is Going on in Amona, Israel Right Now?
Friends, Israel today: Ups and downs. Proud to be a sovereign state, devastated to be so overly-cautious with an intricate law. Today we are removing 300 of our own Jewish Israeli brothers from their well-established homes of twenty years, in the hills of our homeland. Amona, the focus of today’s news cycle out of Israel,…
Back in Israel after Inauguration Weekend in D.C
Friends, Talk about a whirlwind trip. Just landed back in Israel after Inauguration Weekend in D.C. We were thrilled to be able to see some of you, disappointed not to see everyone, but encouraged and celebratory at the new turn that America may be taking. We are hopeful and ready to get down to…
Israel in the Media – Tools & Insights to Move Forward!
Dear Friends, The Yes! Israel Project wants to help think aloud about some of the issues in the media this week, hopefully giving you the tools to provide insight and ideas to move the agenda forward. Knowledge is power and seems to be sorely missing in the public debate, so here are two angles of…