The Status of Israel’s Do-Over Elections

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While the dust settles during the second-attempt to form a government, things seem as hazy as they were before Israel’s do-over elections.

It’s like the kids on the playground cant choose teams. And the popular ones get pushed around by the bullies, weaker in number but stronger in statement.
Netanyahu remains the most popular political leader of our time. He stated his positions clearly before elections, reiterating policies to support Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, and the establishment of new Jewish communities in Samaria and in Judea. And the people voted for him.

The right-wing, or what should be seen admittedly as the centrist mainstream, is the strongest voting bloc in Israel, consistently showing this in the polls. But it’s the personal politics, egos and splinter groups that prevent this from translating to an electoral win that forms governments. This might be the right time to mention there’s no familial connection between Lieberman and me! 🙂

The Likud even has the word liberal in its name, yet pundits would prefer to continue attempts to sideline this large, popular voice, because it doesn’t fit the worldview of our media and academic talking heads. Begin’s peace came first, blunt and honest in its Zionism, liberal in its treatment of minorities, and positive that this would show we will not give up more land because that will not bring peace. Granted, that dangerous step brought concessions that compromise our security to this day, misused by leaders with less vision or perhaps gumption. But it is still the way to go – a technical self-rule, awarded and monitored (!) through the PA – which, if found to be corrupt, would be dismantled and the experiment ended, before even more deadly, tragic results for our people.

We have a clear way, it is bold and tough, realistic and yes, popular, with the majority of the people. Let’s hope egos and petty politics dont get in the way of creating responsible leadership when the dust settles.

Have a great rest of the week!



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Credit: Gedaliah Blum

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