Friends, We are peeled to the news, touching base with our loved ones, and keeping cool while the rockets continue and life is upside down once again. Here to inform you, and provide details for your reference throughout today!
I just wanted you to know. |
Let’s review the facts for you here, to help present Israel’s reality at any and every meeting you have today. You might open by sharing a glance at the ‘Red Alert’ app, showing incoming rockets into Israel real-time. Or just the news-briefs at any of our english-speaking news sources, like |
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At dawn on Tuesday, November 12, Israel succeeded in taking out Baha Abu al-Ata, commander of Islamic Jihad’s Al Quds Brigade for northern Gaza. |
Who was Abu-al-Ata? “It can be assumed that the Gaza-ruling Hamas is not looking for an escalation of violence, though it appears fellow terror group Islamic Jihad is doing everything possible to set the area ablaze, with Hamas standing by and allowing it to do so for fear of public criticism were it to intervene. “Some in Israel have been quick to attribute the unruliness of Islamic Jihad in recent months to Iran’s influence over the organization. Such influence is indeed long-standing and ongoing — but the situation is more complicated, involving a number of personal and political motives, and not necessarily ‘commands’ from Tehran… “The growing trend of escalation by Islamic Jihad is being led by the figure thought to be the head of its military wing in northern Gaza, Baha Abu al-Ata. Al-Ata is a serious troublemaker in Gaza who no one wants to confront. That includes Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar, who fear him and the possibility of being accused of collaboration if they act against him. “Even Ziad al-Nakhala, Islamic Jihad’s leader, hasn’t succeeded in dealing with al-Ata, who is acting from a clear personal and organizational agenda. Al-Ata holds a particularly extreme stance against Israel and opposes the current ceasefire between it and Gaza-based terror groups.” |
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Israeli Intelligence had been tracking him for some time. It had become his practice to surround himself with children to prevent attack upon his person, i.e. he knew that we would not target him while children were in range. Then information was acquired regarding a building in Shejaiyah, outside of Gaza city, where he was alone with his wife and could be reached. So, in a pinpoint strike, we did just that. Just the room where he was sleeping was hit (to avoid injury to civilians in the building – see photo): |
The ‘removal’ of this arch-terrorist in Gaza was not politically motivated, as some detractors suggested. Israeli President Ruby Rivlin: “We stand behind the security forces, who have been working for the success of this morning’s operations for a long time. I know that they, and the Israeli government that approved the operation, have Israel’s security, and only that in their minds. This is no time for political squabbles, and those who [engage in them] bring no credit to themselves. It is time to stop this immediately.” Those making charges of political expediency were minor, and from the Labor party. Blue & White’s Benny Gantz, to his credit, voiced support, saying the security of Israel came before politics. He had been updated before the action was taken, and called it “the right decision.” The announcement of this assassination by the prime minister’s office made clear that Al-Ata was planning imminent attacks. Said Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, “In recent days he was working to perpetrate attacks against Israel. We tried to thwart his efforts in different ways without success and we then recommended a targeted killing.” |
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Update Day 2: Noon, Israel time, Wednesday Nov 13th The Islamic Jihad and other terror groups in the Gaza Strip resumed firing rockets into southern and central Israel after dawn Wednesday after a brief overnight respite in the violence. The Iron Dome system intercepted several of the projectiles, and there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. Sirens sounded in southern Israel and then later in central Israel near Latrun and Beit Shemesh. Residents reported loud explosions, apparently the Iron Dome interceptors taking down the rockets. Most schools in the central areas have opened late this morning, with worried parents taking off work and keeping their kids home despite the Homeland security decision. Some of you, as guests of our Israel missions, have joined in-depth discussions with Minister Naftali Bennett. |
Run this interactive map of Israel to mark all of the incoming rocket attacks landing sites so far. Are you as amazed as I am, looking at the size of the country and the reach of this destructive, hateful terrorism against our families? What can you do today?
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It wouldn’t be Israel without the national situation colliding with the personal – yesterday’s email gave you our view from home. Today I want you to share a reminder that it’s our boys on the line. The IDF doesn’t mean an anonymous fighting force from somewhere far away; it’s our families. Our sons and daughters. Mine just completed the military part of his 5-year service, returning now to study in his ‘hesder’ yeshiva, to complete his combined military-study service. Will these very updated, young soldiers return to their unit to fight in or near Gaza? May God be with them and keep everyone safe as we wait and see. Imagine it’s your wedding day, and the venue is in the range of rockets from Gaza. What do you do? It’s actually illegal to gather in a public venue with more than 100 people, so do you drop some guests, or move the whole thing? That’s the challenge facing about a dozen brides and grooms tonight. One is a young man from our community in Alon Shvut, set to get married tonight in the southern town of Ofakim. Yesterday they sent out a note to their guests with the venue change: to Gush Etzion, where it’s safer and allowed! Crazy situation, neighbors immediately pitch in to help with technical changes, the bride’s family and friends are planning on a longer drive tonight, to the safety of our Judean hills.. Just imagine – the very real emotional and physical ramifications of 200 rockets thus far rained down on innocent Israelis in towns across the country. |
Top photo: Moriah is the bride on way to her own wedding on Tuesday, taking cover from rocket fire Bottom photo: afterwards, safely next to her groom at their wedding ceremony, southern Israel. |
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Children – how this must affect their well-being. See this video of a girl’s pink bedroom shattered by a rocket’s direct hit on her home: Share this harrowing photo of young kids on a school bus, taking cover from an incoming rocket. Look at the little girl’s face, would break most hearts: |
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And if you’re asked about a ground-breaking, heart-aching legal decision yesterday, forcing Israel to label goods made in our homeland, possibly breaking international rules but to be determined in further legal action…. |
EU COURT RULING on Israeli labels – more than a whiff of anti-Israel boycott |
This week’s decision by the European Court of Justice to require separate labeling of products from Israeli settlements is being widely condemned by pro-Israel groups as singling out the Jewish state and injecting politics into consumer choices. The EU court courts BDS: Despite protestations, the European Union wishes to point potential consumers in the direction of boycotts. The anti-Israel efforts continue, even while we are under fire. I remind you of a report we summarized and provided in full, in previous newsletters: Share with your friends, your staff, and make some noise on boycotts that are illegal, not to mention funded by the very forces aimed at destroying Israel. ~ Have a great, productive, and safe day! Ruthie |
Please share comments and upcoming Middle-East focused activity so we can weigh in and provide insight that can help better inform and advocate for our joint interests… |