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We are The Yes! Israel Project- a grassroots organization making connections through social media and personal ties, for a strong, secure Israel.

Join forces to educate, share, speak out, explore and call to action.

Speak out to defend Israel’s standing on the world’s stage, and work to strengthen those who do.

Together we can promote Israel’s right to protect and defend the values that we westerners may sometimes take for granted, on the political, social and moral fronts. Together we gain strength for our message: Say YES! to a strong Israel.


Our flagship programs include:

Yes!-Israel Missions – Israel comes alive with our sponsored missions. Geared for political leaders, the business community and public figures, to visit the land and its people, and to make connections for serious advocacy work back home.

Our recent Yes! Israel Project missions have focused on bringing Congressional leaders to Israel. They meet at the highest levels and visit the places that bring their Middle East policy-making to life. We build partnerships between Jerusalem & Washington that have successfully helped fight anti-Israel boycotts, bring the Jerusalem embassy issue to the the fore, the delegitimization of Israeli universities and pressures for an inequitable two-state solution, as well as address military & energy concerns and more.

The ‘University 2’ program (U2) connects American and Israeli academic institutions to partner on cooperative academic scientific research projects.

Yes! is uniquely positioned to bridge both the Israeli and American political leadership, to develop deep and meaningful academic and research relationships that will help both universities and countries.  Doing so will allow American universities to benefit from ‘Israel’s Start-up Nation’ environment which has its roots in its academic and research centers.

Our U2 program provides a unique platform for Congressional offices to support Israel in a manner that directly benefits their own constituents. Exposure to Israel’s cutting edge research will benefit the academic standing of the academic institution, while providing a unique international connection that will give the students tremendous opportunity.

The results of U2 will go well beyond a specific research project or a particular university; Rather it will have a direct impact on growing and strengthening the bond between Israel and America.  ‘Science has no borders’ – and there is no area better to focus on building those relationships than with students: the future leaders of our societies.

Advocacy 101 – Connecting with people across the oceans to combine forces and ensure Israel’s future.

A Cookie for a Soldier – Giving supporters the opportunity to reach out and make an Israeli soldier smile, with a message of encouragement and thanks.

Political Campaign Action – Have an electoral battle where one candidate is a staunch supporter of Israel? Tell us and we’ll mobilize our network, as American-Israeli voices, to send a clear message to fellow constituents.Together our voices are raised, in strength – Join us to say: Yes! Israel.

Jaffe Strategies is a team of professionals who can help your organization reach past its current limits. Jaffe Strategies offers comprehensive, customized support to individuals, businesses and organizations who wish to pursue projects of all types and sizes. We understand the unique needs of every client and the varying intricacies of each project. Through extensive experience in policy and organizational strategy, planning and management, content development, project management and consulting, we have consistently been able to help our clients exceed project expectations.

Click here to read more about Jaffe Strategies, our projects and staff.