Category: Uncategorized

  • Happy Thanksgiving from the Judean Hills

    Like  Tweet  in We Americans in Israel have a funny way of celebrating some old fashioned American holidays.. sometimes off by a day, or we forget it’s a long Labor Day weekend back where we came from, or we are just plain not having the right season for snowy holidays here in the Middle East. But Thanksgiving…

  • Breaking News: Attorney General Decides to Indict PM Netanyahu

    Dear friends, We are all reacting to the breaking news of the Israeli Attorney General’s recommendation to indict Prime Minister Netanyahu. As we watch the events unfold in real-time, it’s not easy to miss the parallel to the current impeachment attempt in Congress. Let’s remind ourselves, before the media frenzy prevails: In a democracy, and…

  • Celebrating brave honesty for US – Israel relations – and saying a simple thank you!

    Our dear friends, They say Israelis are separated by two degrees rather than the traditional six. It felt like one, since last night when every neighbor and friend celebrated their part in bringing about the incredible, brave decision by the Trump Administration to dial back harmful rejection of Israeli policy, and the PM showed up…

  • Update: Ceasefire

    Dear Friends,Thursday morning we woke up to reports of a ceasefire that went into effect at 5:30 AM. Most of the children have returned to school, businesses have reopened and regular life is starting to resume, that is if you do not live with the 40 km radius of the Gaza border. Since the asserted…

  • Update: Israel

    Friends, We are peeled to the news, touching base with our loved ones, and keeping cool while the rockets continue and life is upside down once again. Here to inform you, and provide details for your reference throughout today! 1. ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK: Useful insight on the Israel-Gaza situation, unfolding every hour 2. EU ANTI-ISRAEL…

  • Israel under attack – personal update

    Friends, All political commentary gets tabled and replaced by today’s reality, as the personal and national mix together once again. Let me share, to give you a glimpse inside the real picture from here today. Take a look at our day – as I see it from the national and personal point of view. My…

  • US & Israel Politics yet changes stay the same!

    Dear all, As much as things change, they seem to stay the same. While many of you are busy fighting an impeachment wave, it looks eerily similar in Israel. Coalition building centers on the question of Bibi’s future. And on what his potential coalition partners bargain for their own futures. In this super-saturated media era,…

  • It’s always something

    Friends, It seems like there’s always something. When the domestic front is quiet, the regional goes beserk. And vice versa. Now Israel faces what could be an unprecedented failure by any party to form a coalition government. After asking the Israeli citizen for his or her vote twice in the past few months, Netanyahu seems…

  • Holiday time in Israel

    Hi, Just when you thought the kids were going back to school after a summer hiatus, or just when your routine kicked in after summer recess and family vacation…. That’s right: In Israel it’s holiday time all over again. Actually, we’re kind of proud of our schedule, to be honest. Perhaps even snobby about the…

  • The Status of Israel’s Do-Over Elections

    Like  Tweet  in Hi, While the dust settles during the second-attempt to form a government, things seem as hazy as they were before Israel’s do-over elections. It’s like the kids on the playground cant choose teams. And the popular ones get pushed around by the bullies, weaker in number but stronger in statement. Netanyahu remains the most…