Category: Uncategorized

  • Election Day, Israel

    Dear friends,It’s Election Tuesday here in Israel and tensions run high. Your average voter is thinking about their own well-being, for sure, but the issues here are fundamental and very tangible. Who’s the best leader to ensure security on our borders? What will the right balance be for religious freedoms under the next government? How…

  • Yes! Israel: Heads of State continue to recognize Israel sovereignty

    Dear friends,Last week we thanked the US for doing the right thing – recognizing Israel’s sovereignty on the Golan Heights.Syria certainly has not behaved itself, and your government acknowledged what we’ve known all along – the area must be in Israeli hands in order to promise safety and peace for the residents of Israel and the…

  • Yes! Israel: Huge Step with the Golan and Words about the Gaza Situation

    Friends,Just two weeks ago we were in some of your offices, discussing pending legislation on US recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights. It’s been law in Israel for decades, and now our closest ally concurs. All that’s left, after the thank-yous, is to include the strong, definitive language of the Executive Order and…

  • Yes! Israel: Congressional Mission Update from Jerusalem

    Dear friends,It’s a busy week with our Congressional friends visiting Jerusalem with us. Yes! Israel is proud of our coordinated efforts to share the land and people of Israel. From ancient Hebron to modern urban special forces, rolling green hills of winter (with rain!) to geopolitical briefings in the field…Click here for a short report on…

  • Visitors and Election Prep

    Dear friends,With the Knesset in recess preparing for Israel’s upcoming national election in April, things here are slow politically. Much talk of who’s running in which party, when the primaries are for each, and so on, but not much in the way of legislation or even policy. I guess that’s a good thing and we…

  • Our turn- Israel’s going to elections

    Friends, The world celebrates Christmas and we wish all our friends a very merry holiday season. We hope you are together with loved ones, and that you get a chance – together – to celebrate all that is good in our lives and our world. And may we know how to leave our mark, to…

  • Special edition: Praying for Shira

    Friends, A young woman just buried her baby, a son, four days old. Not just any newborn, but a child born out of terror. His parents, Shira and Amichai, newlyweds all of a year, stood at a bus stop and were picked out and gunned down – for being Jews. Yes, by a palestinian arab,…

  • Special edition: Hezbollah & Iran

    Friends, Today is a special day, as we remember President Bush senior. He was key to Israel relations, particularly in the era of staunch Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir. When tomorrow comes, turn your attention to Israel’s ongoing battle on the northern border, just beyond our towns and homes. What is always a Hezbollah threat has…

  • Happy Thanksgiving from Israel

    Wishing all our American friends a very happy Thanksgiving – we hope you are all on your way home to be together with loved ones! We stop to give thanks for all that we have, to enjoy our blessings and to remember what’s important. We’ll be eating our turkey dinner Friday night, in the truest…

  • Israel Under Attack From Hamas in Gaza

    Friends, In Israel right now, it’s all about the south – and our border with Gaza. If ever it were clear that the Palestinian Authority has no authority in Gaza, it’s now. Hamas rules. Hamas decides who gets money, power, basic supplies. The people of Gaza are beholden to terrorists and they are attacking innocent…